Students Attending Non-Public Schools

This information is provided as a guide for students and parents in Etowah County. The information provided is based on current laws and policies. This document does not take the place of any state laws, state policies, or local policies.


Public School – A free tax supported school administered by a local governing authority

Private School – Includes only such schools as hold a certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Education, showing that such school conforms to the following requirements:

  • The instruction in such schools shall be by persons holding certificates issued by the State Superintendent of Education;
  • Instruction shall be offered in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools of this state;
  • The English language shall be used in giving instruction;
  • A register of attendance shall be kept which clearly indicates every absence of each child from such school for a half day or more during each school day of the school year.

Church School – Includes only such schools as offer instruction in grades K-l2, or any combination thereof including the kindergarten, elementary, or secondary level and are operated as a ministry of a local church, group of churches, denomination, and/or association of churches on a nonprofit basis which do not receive any state or federal funding.

Private Tutor – Instruction by a private tutor means and includes only instruction by a person who holds a certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Education and who offers instruction in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools of this state, for at least three (3) hours a day for 140 days each calendar year, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, and who uses the English language in giving instruction. Such private tutor shall, prior to beginning the instruction of any child, file with the county board of education, where his/her place of instruction is in territory under the control and supervision of the county board of education, or the city superintendent of schools, where his/her place of instruction is in territory is under the control and supervision of a city board of education, a statement showing the child or children to be instructed, the subjects to be taught and the period of time such instruction is proposed to be given. Such tutor shall keep a register of work, showing daily the hours used for instruction and the presence or absence of any child being instructed and shall make such reports as the State Board of Education may require. (Section 16-28-5)

Commonly Asked Questions
  1. Who should be contacted to provide information regarding non-public schools?

Contact Mrs. Dena Cook, Etowah County Board of Education Director of Student Services, at (256) 549-7596.

  1. If a child transfers back to public school later, how will that affect his/her credits?

See the Transfer of Credit Rules, Alabama Administrative Code Chapter 290-3-1-02(7)(j) within this brochure.

  1. What are the rules for a graduating senior?

See the Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 290-3-1-02(8.1)(h-l) within this brochure.

  1. What are the requirements for homeschooling in Alabama? There are few different options that families have to legally homeschool in Alabama, but the differences between them are significant. You'll want to think long and hared about which option is the best choice for your family. Please indicate below which option you will use.
  • Enroll in an Alabama Church School. With this option, the church school handles all records of enrollment and attendance.
  • Set up your homeschool as a private, non-public school. This option became available in 2014 due to changes in the previous education law and has released homeschoolers from previous regulations they were subject to in the state.
  • Hire (or become) a certified state tutor to teach your child(ren).
  1. How will non-attendance/non-enrollment be addressed?

All cases will be investigated by the Etowah County Board of Education Attendance Officer and/or the Etowah County Juvenile Probation Office.