Language Arts CCRS Checklists

Below you will find an overview of all Language Arts Courses of Study per grade level. EOCT correlations have been added for high school grades. You can utilize these "checklists" as a bird’s-eye view of course expectations and/or as a framework to ensure you’ve addressed all content requirements. Feel free to edit it to suit your needs.

Contact Tiffany Scott (Elementary) or Melissa Shields (Secondary) if you have any questions.

ELA Common Core Standards

ELA Common Core Standards (Entire PDF Document)

Common Core State Standards Website:

TEXT EXEMPLARS Text samples primarily serve to exemplify the level of complexity and quality that the Standards require all students in a given grade band to engage with. Additionally, they are suggestive of the breadth of texts that students should encounter in the text types required by the Standards. The choices should serve as useful guideposts in helping educators select texts of similar complexity, quality, and range for their own classrooms. They expressly do not represent a partial or complete reading list.